Ball Games – Football
Grade 2 Football includes challenges, games, skills and students working in group to create their own exercises for improvement.
Years: 2 P.E Unit: Games—Football Transdisciplinary Theme: Who We Are
Central Idea: Developing in a variety of areas helps us to participate more effectively
Key Concepts: Form, Function, responsibility Related Concepts: Team work, strategies
Lines of Inquiry: 1. Solving problems within the team 2. Using, developing and adapting basic movements related to football 3. Setting group/team goals
Learning Outcomes
Identity – Phase 2
Solve problems and overcome difficulties with a sense of optimism
Active Living – Phase 2
Use and adapt basic movement skills (gross and fine motor) in a variety of activities
Interactions – Phase 2
Discuss and set goals for group interactions
We began tuning in by watching a part of a youtube clip – 20 Top Teamwork Goals & discussed the skills involved.
The question was then posed, What are the skills/tools needed to be successful in ball games? We wrote answers on a new unit poster. Blue=students first ideas, red=PYP Attitudes, green=Learner Profiles. Over the next few weeks using black, we will add more words to the poster which come to mind as we undertake different learning experiences.
To finish this first session we played Football Attack as depicted in the feature photo above. The court was set up with 4 goals around the sidelines. Each student gets a ball and need to dribble their ball around trying to score goals to count points, they must dribble to a new goal after each goal scored. First change, teachers can knock students ball away, second change, 3-4 students start without a ball and students try to steal from one another, knock balls away and score goals to get points.
Learning Experiences (Weeks 2-3)
I like to begin and finish all lessons by reviewing the unit learning outcomes and adding to the unit poster with students. A short discussion related to personal abilities led us in to our warm up game, Football Attack which we’ll use each week before beginning different skill sessions.
Students dribble around the court shooting Trying to steal a ball
Skill session – Dribbling and Passing
To improve motor skills related to football, the first skills session focuses on dribbling & passing to help students participate in the game. Students will initially pass and stop in pairs before learning how to tap the ball and run before passing the ball their partner. As students master the skill, increase the distance between them or introduce running and dribbling with the ball before passing to a partner for their turn. Finally, students will attempt continuous running and passing, keeping the ball under control.
Skill session – Dribbling and Shooting
In another lesson, we will be again begin by reviewing the unit poster before playing a short game of Football Attack. This week the focus will be dribbling and shooting at goal which is generally a lot more fun for the students compared to dribbling and passing. Have the students start in the middle of the court and dribble towards one end with the ball. As they get closer, they must decide when to shoot at goal trying to keep the ball and stick low. Re-introduce activities such as dribbling and passing before shooting at goal as well.
Passing & stopping with a partner Dribbling, passing & shooting at goal
Game – Beat the teacher (Goal Keeper)
To finish off sessions, all students have a ball each to dribble around and try to score goals (4 or more) which the teachers (and some students) are defending. Teachers will attempt to knock ball away for students to retrieve and try again.
Creating and sharing (Weeks 4-5)
In the final weeks leading up to the summative assessment, the students will work in small groups (make 4 groups) to create a football skills exercise similar to ones they have experienced in the previous weeks. They will need to decide if they are going to focus on passing and stopping, dribbling or shooting (or all). They well then need create their exercise and practice in in order to demonstrate it to their peers. I will observe the students work in their groups to start assessing them on the learning out come for Interactions: Discuss and set goals for group interactions. I will also video this demonstration at the same time for the following weeks learning experience. We then finish the session by reviewing the unit poster to see if we can add to the list of skills needed in hockey.
This group decided to add some extra footballs to their exercise.
In week five, the students will begin with a warm up game before being divided in to new groups to work with different partners. The students will walk around the court in their groups to four different stations with an ipad for each group. Using the app Aurasma, students find an photo that triggers a video from the previous weeks group exercises. They will watch the video (pre-loaded by teacher) to learn the exercise and then try it out for themselves. When all groups have completed all stations, we will finish the session with some reflection on the activity itself and the exercises created by each group and add to the unit poster.
After watching, the students then try the exercise for themselves.
Summative Assessment
The students enjoyed the sessions using Aurasma to watch the videos created by their peers and were also interested in trying the videos from the other class. I therefore decided to break the summative assessment task down to a number of tasks.
Aurasma Exercises
Using an ipad and the preloaded videos again, I put out all the trigger images for the students to find and try out. They could work in groups of their choice and attempt any video from any class. I simply instructed the students that they would have 15 minutes and should try at least 2 videos. I would be watching the students work assessing them on the the Active Living learning outcome: Use and adapt basic movement skills (gross and fine motor) in a variety of activities.
Games- Round Robin
With the remainder of the session, I formed the students in to their house teams to play a series of games which was a very popular decision. The students played each other house team in a 6 minute match with water breaks in between. Again, I observed the students this time focusing on the learning out come for Identity: Solve problems and overcome difficulties with a sense of optimism.
Written – Sportfolio Reflection
Instead of a swimming session this week, all students completed a reflection which helps to create their sportfolio. The written reflection focused on the learning experiences, attitudes and learner profiles, personal likes/dislikes as well as any of the groups exercises that were created. This document also helps me when assessing the students in relation to all three learning outcomes.